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  • Writer's pictureIsabelle Michel

The Michel Kitchen Concerts - Good For The Soul

Some of my most cherished memories with my family took place in our kitchen. It wasn’t some sort of long tradition that we felt obligated to or an activity that we scheduled.  These were spontaneous moments that were filled with smiles, laughter and a ton of energy.    

Let me paint a little picture for you.  DiAnna and I had busy careers, and our girls were active in school activities and sports, so the week was fast and furious like many families and the time we spent together was attending an event or game, grabbing fast food meals, and bedtime routines. So, at the end of the week, we would finally slow down for a moment and have a home cooked meal. During dinner we would typically spend a few minutes talking about how the week went and no matter how good or bad it was for each of us this was our time to recharge.  As we finished dinner and turned our attention to doing the dishes, one of the kids or I would end up turning on the tunes. It started out as something to just fill the air while we cleaned up but inevitably turned into hours of singing and dancing.   


   “One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain” — Bob Marley

At the time I looked at this as just some fun with the kids, DiAnna and a friend or two that got sucked into the Michel shenanigans.  However, after some recent reflection on meditation, I have a new perspective on this time with loved ones and friends.  I knew there was something special about the undeniable magic that comes from laughter echoing through the kitchen, the sight of loved ones swaying to a favorite tune, and the warmth of shared melodies filling a home.  But it was more than that.  For our family, these spontaneous dance parties and sing-alongs in our kitchen came to be a cornerstone of our family bonding, a sanctuary of healing, and a testament to the profound impact of music on our souls.

I realize now that these moments of silliness, bad singing (I am tone deaf 😊), and dance-offs were much more about keeping us in the present and enjoying life.  So, I encourage everyone to find their “kitchen concert” because, as I lay out below, these activities will have lifelong impact on your soul and your relationships. 

A Symphony of Togetherness

Our kitchen is more than just a place where meals are prepared; it’s the heart of our home, where life’s most cherished moments unfold. When the music starts, something remarkable happens. The daily grind and the world outside fade away, leaving only the rhythm of our hearts in sync with the beat. These gatherings have always been a joyous ritual—a chance to let go of our worries and simply be together.

In these moments, we’re not just dancing and singing; we’re reconnecting on a deeper level. The melodies and rhythms become a shared language, bridging gaps and healing old wounds. The laughter and playfulness transform our kitchen into a haven of unity and joy, where every twirl and harmony strengthens our family bond.

Music as Meditation

Music has a unique power to soothe the soul and elevate our spirits. Like meditation, it has the ability to transport us to a place of calm and introspection. When we immerse ourselves in music, we tap into a universal rhythm that resonates with our innermost selves. It’s a form of mindfulness that allows us to be present, to let go of stress, and to embrace the here and now.

Just as meditation focuses the mind and eases emotional turbulence, music does the same for our hearts. The melodies and lyrics weave a tapestry of emotions, guiding us through moments of joy, sadness, and everything in between. Each note becomes a step on a path toward inner peace, with every song offering a gentle nudge towards healing.

“Meditation can make life musical, and music can bring a deep inner peace” — meditation master Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Healing Power of Song and Dance

Our sing-alongs are more than just performances; they’re collective releases of joy and stress. Singing together creates a sense of harmony that extends beyond the music, fostering emotional bonds and shared experiences. Dancing, with its freedom and expression, becomes a form of therapy that lifts our spirits and renews our connection to each other.

In these moments of spontaneous celebration, we find solace and strength. The music becomes a balm for our souls, soothing our anxieties and uplifting our spirits. The act of coming together to dance and sing provides a sense of belonging and acceptance that is deeply comforting.

For my facts and science-based readers - it’s been demonstrated that listening to music also releases a powerful compound called dopamine, which is one of the happiness neurochemicals.

Cherishing the Magic

As we dance and sing in our kitchen, we are not just engaging in a pastime; we are participating in a cherished tradition that enriches our lives. These gatherings remind us of the beauty of simplicity and the power of shared moments. They teach us that healing can be found in the ordinary and that joy often comes from the simplest of places.

So, the next time you find yourself in a kitchen filled with music and laughter, remember that these moments are more than just fun—they are a celebration of family, a testament to the healing power of music, and a reminder that the best memories are often made in the most unexpected places.

Music not your cup of tea? Then take a moment today to reflect on what activities bring you the most joy and peace. Embrace your personal meditative practices and let them guide you towards balance and joy. Whether it’s sitting on your back porch, taking a walk, or the simplicity of a quiet moment, your unique path to meditation is waiting to be explored and celebrated.

I can’t wait for the next Michel sing-along with the likes of Beastie Boys, Taylor Swift, Thomas Rhett, and pretty much any show tune (Hamilton is our favorite). 

Turn it up! 


PS thank you to my family for bearing their souls for the camera :)

PSS Sorry for the quality of pics. Only videos taken of our dance parties so these are the best screen shots we could capture.

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