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  • Writer's pictureIsabelle Michel

The Family We Choose: How Friends Bring Joy, Support, and Love into Our Lives

This past weekend we hosted a cookout for a group of friends that we’ve been blessed to know for several decades – shout out to the MOST (Michel-Olberding-Stein-Tatum) group!

As the evening came to an end, I took a moment to soak in how grateful I am for friendships. Our family has been surrounded for years by many great friends, many of which I probably don’t deserve, but I’m thankful God has placed us in such great communities. 

In a world that often celebrates independence and self-reliance, the value of community is overlooked. Yet, it’s in the spaces where we connect with others, share our lives, and build deep friendships that we often find the most meaning. Community, particularly with friends, has a profound impact on our well-being, influencing not just us personally but also the fabric of our families.

The Personal Impact of Friendships

Friendship is more than just shared laughter or mutual interests. True friends offer us a safe space to be ourselves—unfiltered and authentic. They lift us up when we’re down, celebrate our victories, and walk with us through life’s storms. This sense of belonging is vital to our mental and emotional health.

When we’re surrounded by a supportive community, we’re less likely to feel isolated. Studies have shown that strong social connections reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. These friendships give us a sense of security and confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges arise, we’re not facing them alone. The encouragement and love from our friends fill our hearts, providing us with the strength and resilience needed to navigate life’s ups and downs.

But it’s not just in the hard times that community with friends makes a difference. The joy of shared experiences—whether it’s a vacation, a weekend getaway, a cookout, or a random text—enriches our lives in ways that material things never can. These moments of connection remind us of what truly matters: relationships, love, and laughter.

The Ripple Effect on Family

The benefits of being in a strong community of friends extend far beyond our own well-being; they have a ripple effect that touches our families as well. When we’re fulfilled and supported by our friendships, we bring that positive energy back into our homes.

As parents, we model the importance of relationships for our children. When they see us investing in our friendships, they learn the value of building connections and caring for others. They see that life is not meant to be lived in isolation but in communion with those around us.

Additionally, friends can often become extended family. They offer a helping hand when we need it most, whether it’s picking up the kids from school, offering a listening ear, or simply being there to share a meal. These acts of kindness and support create a network of care that strengthens our family unit.

In times of celebration, our friends amplify the joy we feel. And in times of difficulty, they provide comfort and perspective. Our children benefit from these relationships too, gaining additional role models and trusted adults who can offer them guidance and support.

Cultivating Community

Building and maintaining a strong community of friends takes time and intentionality. In our busy lives, it can be easy to let friendships fall by the wayside. But investing in these relationships is one of the most valuable things we can do.

Start by reaching out. Make time for regular get-togethers, even if it’s just a quick coffee or a walk in the park. Be present and listen, offering support and encouragement to those in your circle. And don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it—true friends are always willing to lend a hand.

Remember that community is a two-way street. Be the friend you want to have. Offer kindness, understanding, and compassion, and you’ll find that it comes back to you tenfold.

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself includes Being Fulfilled

Being in community with friends is more than just a social activity; it’s a vital part of living a fulfilling life. These connections uplift us, inspire us, and make us better versions of ourselves. And as we invest in our friendships, we strengthen the foundation of our families as well.

So, nurture your community, cherish your friends, and watch as your life—and the lives of those you love—becomes richer for it. In the end, it’s the people we surround ourselves with that make all the difference.

Special Shout-Outs to My Extended Family – MOST, Hilliard Card Club, Cypress Family, Schertz’s, NC Steins – You've been there from births to birthdays, weddings to funerals, game night to vacations, and tears to laughter. Thank you for supporting me, DiAnna, and my girls through the years! Love you all!!

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