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  • Writer's pictureIsabelle Michel

Reflecting on the Journey: Excitement, Doubts & Fears, My Purpose

Holy cow, six months have flown by! Full Potential Coaching & Consulting became an idea just about a year ago and then turned into reality last December. As I sit back and take a moment to reflect, I am reminded of all the input I've received on starting a business, the warnings, the "to be successful" tips and tricks, and most importantly all of the support I've received. It's truly a great analogy for life...we all experience the ups and downs, we question ourselves, we think about who we want to spend time with, and we reflect on our purpose. So, whether you’re a private business owner, a father, a husband, someone trying to align to your purpose, or just love hearing about others' stories, take a few minutes and check out my journey so far.

Unveiling the Beginning

It feels like yesterday when I took that leap of faith and decided to venture into the world of entrepreneurship. The excitement, the uncertainties, and the endless possibilities were all a part of the package deal that came with kickstarting my own business. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, I had set specific goals for myself, envisioning the path I wanted my business to travel.

Sounds good right? Well let me tell you - it wasn't easy - but I'm better for it now. I didn't know how to start a business. I've been around others that started or jumped into a family business, so I looked to them for advice. I asked questions, did the research, stayed humble, remained open to learn, tried/failed/tried again, and leaned on my support system.

Embracing the Learning Curve

The journey of a new business owner is not a walk in the park; it's a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Over these past six months, I have learned invaluable lessons that I may not have learned otherwise. From business development, standing up a CRM and accounting process, and building a "marketing" strategy, every experience has contributed to my growth as an entrepreneur.

I didn't know how I would respond or enjoy these different experiences. In fact, I go back to the Monday following my last day in corporate America. Over the weekend leading up to my first day of being unemployed (I mean an entrepreneur), I was thinking a lot about what I would do and where I would start. Whether I was truly open to learning, naive, or just lucky, I just started. One step at a time. I would talk to a few people, then do some research, then try something, and if that didn't work, I would regroup and try something else.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. For example, I have perfectionist tendencies so when it came time to write articles and blogs, or set up my website, I found myself getting frustrated and questioning what I was doing.

But I stuck with it. I asked for help (not easy for me) and feedback. And once I put my voice (articles, website, etc.) out into the world, I didn't get exiled, I wasn't ridiculed. I may only be impacting one person at a time but that's enough for me. If it takes learning every day to pour into a few people at a time, so be it!

Refocusing on the Why

As the months passed by, it became increasingly crucial for me to pause and revisit my "why." What is the core reason that ignited the spark within me to start this journey?

This is important for all of us to ask ourselves, but it shouldn't take starting a business to prompt these questions. I've recently had the chance to think about this from a business and life perspective. I'm happy to share that they align for me. This isn't always the case, but it gives us that opportunity to have some deep reflection.

Before I captured my whys, I had to do some work on my values. Thanks to Jim Harshaw Jr, and Reveal Your Path, here are mine - faith, family, fun, altruistic and commitment.

So how do they translate into my whys? To start, my faith has grown over the past couple of years, and I believe the main purpose for me taking this step is to go out and do God's work starting with how I live my life, serve others, and put others first. The outcome of keeping this as my foundation is that I have moved from being happy to having joy.

Revisiting My Goals

I recently listened to a podcast (, and one of the main take-a-ways from DJ Vanas is that our faith is important but so is the actions we choose to take. I've been asking myself over the last couple of months, what is my part of God's plan?

I've always been a strong believer in setting goals and sharing with others. It was my way of charting a course for myself; it provided direction and a sense of accomplishment when milestones were achieved. So, I set goals early on in the process and I found it brought structure, focus and a sense of calm.

With the initial excitement settling down, it's time for me to reassess the goals I had set when I first embarked on this adventure. After six months, some deep reflection and lots of learning, I've decided to really push myself. I can admit now that even though starting a business was a stretch, I was fortunate enough to ease into it. Now it's time to pave the way for a more focused and intentional approach towards my business.

Acknowledging Achievements and Challenges

Celebrating victories, no matter how small, is essential in keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive. Highlighting achievements not only boosts morale but also serves as a reminder of the progress made. On the other side, acknowledging challenges and setbacks is equally crucial. It's these hurdles that shape us, mold us into resilient individuals capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes our way.

I will never forget the first coaching client I signed up with. This person took a chance on me, and I am forever grateful. It was exactly what I needed and came at the perfect time.

Equally as impactful was the first rejection I received. In that moment I took it very personal. I was hurt, questioned what I was doing, and interpreted this one instance as foreshadowing of my business; "no one will want me", "what do I have to offer?".

But I chose to not let that first reaction dictate my future. I had to become comfortable with failure and rejection. It wasn't easy but it did push me to put myself in those situations more often. So, I started to network in a bigger and better way. To a degree it’s a #s thing...the more people I meet, offer services to, the more the odds play in my favor.

I now journal daily capturing things I'm grateful for, successes, failures, ideas for future, and any other thoughts that may be streaming in my mind at that time. For me, joy comes from being grateful about all I have today, happiness comes from planning for tomorrow.

Embracing the Community

They say it takes a village to raise a child; the same holds for nurturing a business. Building a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and customers creates a network of support that is invaluable. Engaging with like-minded and different-minded individuals, seeking advice, and offering help when needed fosters a sense of camaraderie that can propel one towards success.

This could not be more true for me. I want to thank all of those that have been there so far through the journey. The list is large but I would like to thank a few that have truly been instrumental in where I am today (in my faith, personal life, career)...God, my amazing wife (DiAnna), my awesome kids (McKenna, Grace, Izzy and Faith), my mom, Jason Stein, Jason Michel, Mark Blakely, Eric Tatum, Pastor Israel Schertz, Chad Luxenburg, Mike Clouse, Jim Harshaw Jr, Craig Fullen, and Kyle Stuebs. There are so many more, so if I missed you (family, friends, colleagues) please know that you are making a difference.

Moving Forward with Purpose

As I look ahead to the future of Full Potential, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The journey of entrepreneurship is not a sprint; it's a marathon that requires steadfastness and resilience. By reassessing my goals, realigning with my "why," and embracing the lessons learned, I am confident that the path ahead will be illuminated with newfound clarity.

The past six months have been a whirlwind of experiences, learnings, and growth. While challenges may have tested my resolve, it is the journey itself that reaffirms my passion for serving others. With a clear vision, unwavering determination, and a heart filled with purpose, I am ready to take on whatever the future holds for me.

Remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about the journey and the lessons learned along the way that truly define our success in the world.

I pray that I remain steadfast in bringing others joy through my service, through selfless acts, and through love.

Fellow small business owners - keep on keepin' on!

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