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  • Writer's pictureIsabelle Michel

Pawsitive Wisdom: Life Lessons from Koda & Gilbert

I can’t believe it has taken me this long to give credit to the masters of life coaching, but this is a perfect time since the Michel household brought in a master of masters! Intrigued?!

Imagine a world where love comes with no strings attached, no ifs or buts—just pure, unadulterated affection. Enter our furry friends, our dogs (sorry for those that prefer cats 😊).

Picture this: you come home after a rough day, feeling like you've wrestled a dragon, and there they are, tails (or in a Frenchie's case - whole butt) wagging like a pair of windshield wipers in a rainstorm. They don't care if you messed up that presentation or forgot to pick up the milk. Nope, they're just thrilled you're back, showering you with sloppy kisses and cuddles that could melt the iciest of hearts.

Pause. You may want to reread that last paragraph.

Being masters of their craft starts with no judgment. No matter what baggage you show up with, they are there for you. Well? Ding, ding, ding – lesson #1! We all can do a better job practicing less judgment of others but more importantly, less judgment of ourselves.

Ready for the next lesson from Koda specifically. Lesson #2 - forgiveness. The Michel household is probably like many of yours – very busy. So, we definitely forget to take him on a walk, or feed him on time, or pay more attention to the our latest addition (Gilbert). But a mere chest rub or butt scratch later, and Koda is all forgiveness and pure joy. They don't hold grudges or keep score. It's like living with tiny, fluffy Buddhas, preaching the gospel of letting go and embracing the now.

Let’s wrap up our lessons from the pooches with this zinger, lesson #3 - relentless zest for life. I don’t know about your dogs, but there isn’t a time when mine aren’t up for a little fun and excitement. They could be dead asleep and the moment they hear their favorite toy, they spring to life like they were injected with a high-octane energy drink. Or when you are on a walk, they are sniffing every lamppost/tree like it's the world's juiciest gossip. They remind us to stop worrying about tomorrow's deadlines and soak up the sunshine—literally and metaphorically. Their joy is infectious, turning even the most mundane moments into mini celebrations.

So, in a world where love often comes with a laundry list of conditions, dogs are the ultimate rebels, flipping the script and teaching us that love—real, authentic, slobbering-on-your-face love—knows no bounds. They're not just our pets; they're our gurus, showing us how to love fiercely, forgive freely, and live fully, one tail or butt wag at a time.

If you don’t believe me, take it from Koda & Gilbert Grape (little brother) when they say “Ahh rooo uuu!” and “Uuu ood rooo uuu ooh!”. For those that don’t speak dog – “I love you!” and “You should love you too!”

Now go show your dog some love 😉

PICTURE: The masters contemplating life's biggest challenges - is it harder to catch a squirrel or bird?

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