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Grand River Ranch – Home of Inspiration & Life Change

This past week I had the honor of attending a retreat hosted by Jim Harshaw Jr & Reveal Your Path (RYP). The setting – Grand River Ranch just outside of Kremmling, CO.

A little back story…I first met Jim in April after being introduced by my coaching peer & friend, Mike Clouse ( Mike recommended I consider reaching out to Jim as a way to build my coaching practice. Little did I know I was in for way more than just some additional clients. On the first call I had with Jim, I instantly knew I wanted to

be a part of what he was building.

I joined Reveal Your Path a couple weeks later and I’m currently onboarding as a coach. While onboarding includes many aspects, what I most appreciate is experiencing the 8-week program all clients go through which is intended to help an individual “break through the barriers holding them back. Uncover the consistency, clarity, and balance of a world-class performer.” You can learn more (and I highly recommend it!) at

All right, back to the retreat. After initiating the onboarding Jim mentioned a retreat he holds annually for coaches and clients. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level, build some trust and rapport, and ultimately for each person to do a “productive pause” to gain clarity on visions and goals.

My thoughts going in were – great opportunity to get to know the other coaches & Jim, learn about the program through the eyes of the clients, and spend some time in one of my favorite states - CO.

From the jump I got a feeling that this wasn’t going to be just any retreat. As I met each person, I was fascinated by their stories and backgrounds, and invigorated by their energy. To a person I learned that they all were high performers, successful both personally and professionally, but wanted more.

To this point my coaching practice and certification was centered on helping others achieve their potential and be the best version of themselves. What I learned over the next 3 days was that reaching your potential and being the person you can be is not just about overcoming limiting beliefs or getting past assumptions, but instead about the community you surround yourself with, intentional planning and focus, and pushing yourself to go to the next level.

While I don’t want to give away all of the secret sauce (you’ll need to come check us out at RYP and learn for yourself!), I can share that I was pushed to get comfortable being uncomfortable from the start. From bunking with 2 other people I just met, being vulnerable with groups of people, running in the altitude with no acclimation, trying on new skills like skeet shooting, and more. I don’t share that because it was too much but instead because it gave me the push I needed to raise my own personal bar.

You might be saying – “sounds good Brian, but outside of meeting new people, playing in the mountains, and being pushed a bit, what did you get out of it?”.

I’m glad you asked! To start, I didn’t just meet some random people, instead I built relationships with some amazing people that surround others with love, empathy and support. These are my people now and I look forward to being a part of and witnessing the great things we will all do in our personal and professional lives.

That quite frankly would have been enough, but I was blessed to be given time to reflect, including feedback from my peers, on my personal and professional visions. While I still have some work to do on both, I have a renewed lens on what my future can be, no better yet - what it will be! And oh by the way, it’s more than a feeling, as Jim Harshaw Jr puts it, our vision is a “statement that drives the habits, actions, and mindset required to achieve the highest level of value-aligned success, both personally and professionally.”

For me personally it was life changing. I have a better sense of my values, the start of my new vision statements, increased gratitude for what I have already accomplished and those around me, a renewed appreciation for my wife, and a new community of amazing people I get to grow with.

Oh yeah, and I saw a bear, elk, mule deer, and an eagle! Pretty cool stuff!

I want to thank the following people for an incredible experience: Jim Harshaw Jr, Craig Fullen, Logan Davis, Jared Kahmar, Mike Guanzon, Rich Laing, Chaun Powell, Lisa Kerle, Dave Pulcini, Matt Von der Ahe, Chris Bailey, Tim Lynch.

And to top it all off I had the honor of meeting and spending time with Ruben Gonzalez, a four-decade winter Olympics athlete. His nickname is the “The Luge-Man” because, you guest it, he competes in luge. Mr. Gonzalez is currently training to compete in his 5th Winter Olympics and do it over five decades. Incredible story but an even more incredible person! Check him out at

I encourage you to press pause, reflect, create your vision, put the plan in place to make it happen, and then attack it with vigor! Want to join a great group of people to support your journey – give me shout, schedule some time ( or check out

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